Target Fixation

Everyone needs that “special place” where they can get their mind off of everything and just find peace and relaxation…
My “special place” is riding down the back roads or highways on my Harley Davidson!!!
  • Soaking up the scenery
  • Enjoying some good music
  • And hearing a lot of good stuff from The Lord!!
While riding a motorcycle is such an enjoyable experience, you have to be constantly aware of everything going on around you, or…it can become a not so pleasant experience…
That being said, the trick to riding a motorcycle is simply “look where you want to go, and you will go there” (a few other things go along with that also…).
As simple as that sounds, it can be a hard thing to do. Your eyes can move from where you should be going to places you should stay away from…
  • This is called “Target Fixation”
What happens is you lose your focus, and your attention gets locked on an object in the road, or even off the road, and if you don’t get your eyes back on where you were headed you’re in for a crash!!!
This target fixation happens to every rider, you just learn to “snap out of it” and get you focus back on the right path (or you may go straight in a curve and straight into a tree!!).
This same principle is very true in our spiritual lives…
Psalm 121 (one of my favorites..) says:
1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
2  My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
Heaven is our ultimate destination, and the only way to get there is to keep our eyes on Jesus!!!
But just like riding a motorcycle, on the way to our destination, we pass a lot of interesting scenery and roadside attractions that can get our attention…And remember, if you keep looking, that’s exactly where you will go!!
So, you have to “snap out of it” and get your eyes back on the road (in this case back on Jesus)!!
One more passage really ties this together…
James 4:7-8
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.  8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
If you find yourself drifting away from God because you got distracted by other things;
Get your eyes back on Him!!!
Look to the hills, lean a little harder in the right direction and press in and onward to your destiny!!!
Remember, riding a motorcycle on straight empty roads is no fun …you need some curves, hills and great scenery!!
God loves us so much that He wants us to enjoy our life in Him just as much!!
It’s OK to look around at the scenery…Just don’t let it cause you to crash!

Love and blessings,

Pastor Daniel


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